Are there Unlucky or Bad Numbers in Numerology?

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

Many people ask me which are the bad or unlucky numbers in numerology.

My answer is straightforward. All the numbers are both unlucky and bad, and all the numbers are lucky and good!


Bad or Unlucky Numbers in Numerology is a Myth

The truth is that bad or unlucky numbers in numerology is a Myth! Every number has both positive and negative characteristics. Every number is unique, and it has some distinct characteristics, some of which are positive and some of which are negative.

Example of Number 1

As an example, consider number one. This number is associated with exceptional qualities such as leadership, initiative, exploration, innovation, people management, and so on. On the other hand, this number is associated with dictatorship, bossing, aggressiveness, vengeance, laziness, and other negative traits. A number one individual can become a Great Leader, Business Tycoon, Explorer, Innovator, Manager, and so on. On the other hand, he has the potential to become a dictator or a villain.

Clive Barker, the well-known and multi-talented British author, who was an authority in numerology, once said about number one: “One is the number of those who do perfect evil or perfect good”

Example of Number 8

Let us look at another example. This is an example of the number 8. Number 8 is the most commonly misunderstood number in numerology. Many numerologists, including those who were originally astrologers or were influenced by astrology, believe that 8 is an unlucky and bad number. They associate this number with Saturn and attribute Saturn’s negative characteristics to it. However, because numerology has nothing to do with astrology and planets, we should consider the number 8 solely from a numerological standpoint.

Number 8 has some good and some bad qualities, just like any other number. The number eight represents power, money, wealth, and administration. This number, on the other hand, is associated with dictatorship, delays, obstacles, and relationship issues.

There are many very successful inventors, authors, business people, celebrities, and political leaders who possess the number 8 as one of the core numbers in their numerology chart. Here are some of them:

Birth Number 8: Mother Teresa (Saint, Missionary, Social worker), Larry Page (Computer Scientist, co-founder of Google), Richard Dawkins (Scientist, Researcher in Evolution and genetics), Edward Jenner (Physician, Scientist, Pioneer of the concept of vaccine), Benjamin Franklin (Founding father of United States, writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher, and political philosopher), Robert Kiyosaki (American Author, Businessman, best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Life Path Number 8: Bernhard Riemann (German Mathematician, best known for his number theory), Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (Russian Rocket Scientist Who Pioneered Astronautic Theory), Alexander Graham Bell (Inventor of Telephone), William Wordsworth (English Romantic Poet), George Bernard Shaw (Irish Playwright and political activist), Norman Vincent Peal (Motivator, author), Neil Armstrong (First man to land on the moon), Matt Demon (Hollywood actor).

Is it possible to say that the number 8 is a bad or unlucky number in numerology? Absolutely not! This holds true for all numbers in the universe. There is no such thing as a good or bad number.

Always keep in mind that everyone possesses plenty of numbers in their numerology chart. The qualities of all the numbers they possess have an impact on them. Every individual has six core numbers, three of which are derived from his date of birth and three from his full name. These six figures are the most influential. (Read more at Core Numbers in Numerology ).

Furthermore, the first name number is also very influential. There are numerous other minor numbers that serve as indicators. Not just the numbers themselves, but the combinations of these numbers, indicate the specific characteristics of that person. However, many people only consider their birth number or life path number.

Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler’s birth number is 2, and Mahatma Gandhi’s birth number is also 2. So, why were these two people so dissimilar? The answer lies in their core numbers, combinations, and compatibility with one another…. as well as their upbringing, environment, choices, and priorities.

Mother Teresa and Dawood Ibrahim are two more examples. Both were born on December 26th. Their other core numbers, however, were different. That is why they worked for completely different causes.

If someone believes that his birth number or life path number is unlucky or bad, he will suffer greatly. Such belief will amplify the negative qualities and vibrations of that number in that individual.

So instead of considering whether a number is lucky or unlucky, good or bad, consider combinations of the core numbers and their compatibility with one another. This will lead you to a better understanding of numerology, and you will begin to understand yourself and others more accurately as a result of this knowledge.

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Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.

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