Chaldean V/s Pythagorean Numerology

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

Chaldean vs pythagorean

Name Numerology is a division of numerology. Name numerology is used for analyzing the names of people, businesses, institutions, organizations, etc. The name analysis is based on its numerical value. This article compares Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology.

Chaldean Vs Pythagorean: Methods Used in Name Numerology

Pythagorean V/s Chaldean: In name numerology, 3 major methods are used for calculating name values. These 3 methods are: Pythagorean, Chaldean and Kabbalah. Most numerologists, especially in the advanced countries of the Americas and Europe, use the Pythagorean method. In the Eastern world, especially in India, many numerologists are using the Chaldean method. The Kabbalah method is similar to Pythagorean, but it is not very popular.

The Numerologists who use the Chaldean method for calculating name values are basically astrologers or are influenced by astrology. On the other hand, the Pythagorean method is used by those who have a logical and scientific mind.

Now let us see why you should use the Pythagorean method instead of the Chaldean one.

Chaldean V/s Pythagorean Numerology
Chaldean V/s Pythagorean a Comparison

Chaldean Vs Pythagorean Numerology

The Alphabetes: For name numerology, most numerologists, whether they are Pythagoreans or Chaldeans, use English alphabets. Here, common sense is that the numbers associated with the letters must be according to their place in the English alphabet. That is why in Pythagorean numerology, A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4….. H = 8, I = 9….. R = 18 = 9……… X = 24 = 6, Y = 25 = 7, Z = 26 =8. However Chaldean numerologists do not follow this order and associate letters with numbers without any logic. Ask them what is the logic behind the confusing association of letters with numbers, and they will fail to explain.

Logic: Pythagorean method for name numerology is that this method is very logical, scientific, and most evolved. On the other hand, the Chaldean method is very illogical and unscientific and there is no new research & development in it.

Evolved Concepts: Chaldean numerology is a very basic one and it lacks the concepts of Life Path Number, Attitude Number, Heart’s Desire Number, Personality Number, Master Numbers, Karmic Debt Numbers, Personal Year, personal month, personal day, Life Periods, Pinnacles, etc. All these concepts were developed by Pythagorean numerologists and are widely used by Modern Numerologists. Even Cheiro, the famous and popular Chaldean numerologist, who was basically an astrologer and palmist, did not know anything about such advanced concepts, even the life path number!

Numerology or Astrology: Pythagorean numerology is the pure form of numerology, while Chaldean numerology is associated with astrology. Chaldeans have associated each number with specific planets. But there is no logic behind this association. I describe this issue in detail in my article Numerology is not Astrology and Numbers are not influenced by Planets. If you ask a Chaldean numerologist to explain the association of numbers with planets logically, he will fail to do so.

Number 9: Chaldean numerologists think that the number 9 is the number of completion, so they do not consider this number while calculating name numbers. It is very illogical to avoid the number 9 from name number calculations but consider it in dates. This means the Number 9 is not a number of completion for Chaldeans when it comes to date numerology. So this is not a logical thing to avoid the number 9 as a name number and count it as a date number. According to their own theory, Chaldeans should avoid the number 9 at both places.

Misinterpretation of Numbers: Chaldean numerology has misinterpreted the meaning of many numbers. Moreover, it emphasizes the negative qualities of the numbers. This can create fear in the minds of the readers and students of Chaldean numerology, as well as in the minds of the clients of the practitioners of Chaldean Numerology. On the other hand, Pythagorean numerology primarily talks about the positive qualities of each number and then discusses a few negative qualities.

Numerology Chart: Pythagorean numerology gives a clear picture of the numbers a person possesses in his/her numerology chart. The Pythagorean numerology chart shows 6 core numbers which are derived from the person’s full date of birth and the full name. Moreover, Pythagorean Numerology shows plenty of other numbers. Chaldean numerology chart lacks such various types of numbers in numerology.

Ancient V/s Modern: I have observed that those who are inclined to the so-called superiority of ancient knowledge, like to practice Chaldean numerology. On the other hand, those who are inclined to advanced and modern knowledge, like to practice Pythagorean numerology. This is related to mindsets. A logical and scientific mind will always look for advanced and evolved things, while unscientific minds will always prefer older things.

This was a comparison between Pythagorean V/s Chaldean numerology.

Remember that although Pythagoras was a great numerologist, modern Pythagorean numerology has new discoveries and inventions, and many concepts in modern Pythagorean numerology are invented by modern numerologists. Pythagoras was unaware of it. On the other hand, Chaldean Numerologists rely on basic ancient knowledge as this numerology stopped evolving forever, long ago. Modern Chaldean numerologists are allergic to new research, new discoveries, and new inventions. They have nothing to do with such things.

Pythagorean V/s Chaldean: So what would you like to practice? Chaldean or Pythagorean? Outdated and unscientific method or a modern and scientific one?

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Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.

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