Numerology Quotes by famous Numerologists, Philosophers, and Mathematicians

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

Here are some selected quotes on numerology by famous philosophers, mathematicians, and numerologists

Numerology Quotes by Pythagoras, Plato, Galileo

Numerology quote by Pythagoras of Samos , an ancient mathematician, geometrician and numerologist

“Everything is numbers and to know numbers is to know thyself.”
–Pythagoras, Ancient Mathematician and father of Numerology

“Number is the ruling principle and basis of things. Numbers rule the universe.” – Pythagoras

“All things are number.” – Pythagoras

“The study of numbers is the only science that gives us knowledge of the unseen world.” – Pythagoras

“Number is the within of all things. Number rules the universe.” – Pythagoras

“Numbers are the foundation of all things.”
–Plato, Ancient Philosopher

“Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself.”
– Plato, Ancient Philosopher

“The book of nature is written in numbers.”
– Galileo, Astronomer

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Numerology Quote by Nikola Tesla

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
–Nikola Tesla, Inventor

Numerology Quotes by Famous Numerologists

Master Numerologist Hans Decoz

“Numerology is a language that allows you to expand the horizon of your spiritual awareness.”
–Hans Decoz, Master Numerologist

“The fundamental premise of numerology is that life, and the universe as a whole is an orderly system, and that numbers reflect that orderliness”
–Hans Decoz, Master Numerologist

“The fundamental premise of numerology is that life, and the universe as a whole is an orderly system, and that numbers reflect that orderliness”
–Hans Decoz, Master Numerologist

Numerologist and author Will Bontrager

“Numerology is not a belief system. No belief or faith in numerology is required. It works the same whether or not believed.”
–Will Bontrager, Numerologist & Author

“Numerology calculations are accurate. The results indicate the person’s most likely characteristics and the circumstances the person tends to experience.”
–Will Bontrager, Numerologist & Author

Numerologist Michelle Buchanan

“Numerology is the ultimate tool for self-love and understanding.”
– Michelle Buchanan, Numerologist

“Numerology is more than predicting the future or choosing the ideal partner, date, or name. It’s the bridge between who you are now and who you have the potential to be.” – Michelle Buchanan, Numerologist

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Senior Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

“No number is a good or bad number. Each number is a unique one and it has both positive and negative traits’”
–Mahaveer Sanglikar, Senior Numerologist

“Numerology is not astrology or a branch of astrology. Numbers have nothing to do with planets and zodiac signs, or horoscopes. If you want to learn numerology in the true sense, do not mix numerology with astrological concepts.” –Mahaveer Sanglikar, Senior Numerologist

Peter Vaughan, Dan Millman, Sonia Choquette, Sonia Ducie

“You are the most important person in the world, but do you know who you are? Most people have no idea who they are, why they are on this planet, and what they should do in life. Numerology can help you to know yourself”
–Peter Vaughan, Numerologist

“Numerology is the perfect blend of art and science. It taps into the hidden depths of our psyche and brings forth the truths that we may have been hiding from ourselves.”
– Dan Millman, American Author, Lecturer

“Numerology is a tool that can be used for self-discovery and personal transformation.”
– Sonia Choquette, Spiritual Teacher

“Numbers are representatives of nature that can expand your mind and offer philosophical, psychological, and scientific insights on life.”
–Sonia Ducie, Numerology, Author

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Quote by Unknown

“Numerology is the bridge between who you are now and who you have the potential to be.”– unknown

Quotes compiled by Mahaveer Sanglikar
Senior Numerologist, Phone 8149128895

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Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.

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