Must Know Facts About Numerology

Must know numerology facts

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149703595

Want to Learn Numerology?

If you are going to learn numerology, you must be aware of some basic concepts because there is a high chance you could learn numerology incorrectly. Non-numerological elements influence many teachers of numerology. They will not teach you numerology in its true sense, leading you to an unscientific version of it.

Therefore, it is essential to understand the basic scientific concepts behind numerology. It would be best if you clear your mind before learning numerology (or anything else), as only a clear mind can learn the right concepts.

Fact Number 1: Numerology is not Astrology

The very first thing you need to know is that numerology is not astrology, nor is it a branch of astrology. Numbers have nothing to do with planets. This is one of the most important things to understand before learning numerology, as many teachers of numerology are essentially astrologers or are influenced by astrology. Under such circumstances, you might mistakenly think that numerology is a branch of astrology.

Learn more about this fact at: Numerology is not Astrology and Numbers are not influenced by Planets

Fact Number 2: No Number is Good or Bad

You may have read or heard that some numbers are bad or unlucky (like 8, 13, etc). But this is one of the greatest misconceptions about numerology. You must have to understand that no number is inherently good or bad; all numbers are unique, and each has both positive and negative traits.

A person associated with a specific number may exhibit both positive and negative traits related to that number, or they may develop the most negative or most positive traits.

Although no number is inherently good or bad, combinations of certain numbers can indicate very positive or very negative outcomes. You can read more about this in the article Are there Unlucky or Bad Numbers in Numerology?

Also read: Is Number 8 an Unlucky and Bad Number?, Is 13 an Unlucky and Bad Number?

Fact Number 3: Birth Number is Not Enough!

Another crucial point is that every person has many numbers derived from their full date of birth and full name. Six of these numbers are particularly important. You should consider all these significant numbers when analyzing a person.

Therefore, do not rely solely on the birth number. The following article can help you learn more about the most important numbers in a numerology chart: Core Numbers in Numerology.

Fact Number 4: Incompatibility is not Enmity

In numerology, you might have come across the term “Enemy Numbers,” but this is a misleading phrase that some people use. The accurate term to describe these relationships is “incompatible numbers.” It’s important to understand that incompatibility does not equate to enmity or hostility. Instead, it signifies that the numbers possess opposite or very differing qualities.

These contrasting qualities do not necessarily lead to conflict. In fact, in many situations, they can complement each other, bringing balance or a different perspective that could be beneficial. For example, two incompatible numbers might challenge each other, encouraging growth and bringing out strengths that may not have surfaced otherwise.

Fact Numer 5: Name Correction Does Not Work

You should know that the so-called name corrections do not work. The vibrations you receive from your original name never disappear. Altering your name by corrupting it may result in negative outcomes, even in suffering and disasters.

Know more about this fact at Numerology Name Correction: Does It Really Work?


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Author: Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.

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