Core Numbers in Numerology

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

This article explains Core Numbers in the Numerology Chart. Numerology is the simplest way to judge or read someone simply by knowing their full date of birth and their full name. Similarly, numerology can be used for self-analysis.

The full date of birth gives three major numbers; similarly, the full name gives another three major numbers. These six major numbers are known as the core Numbers in the numerology chart.

This article will teach you the fundamentals of core numbers.

The Core Numbers in Numerology

Numerology is all about numbers and their properties. These numbers are derived from a person’s date of birth and name. We can derive a variety of numbers from the date of birth and name. However, six of them are the most important numbers, referred to as core numbers. These six core numbers are: Birth number, Attitude number, Life path number, Expression number, Heart’s desire number (also known as Soul urge number), and Personality number.

Knowing a person’s core numbers helps us to gain a comprehensive understanding of that person’s potential, abilities, likes and dislikes, and many other characteristics.

Core Numbers Derived From Date of Birth

Birth Number

The Birth Number is the day number in a person’s date of birth reduced to a single digit number by adding the day number’s digits. If the day number is already in a single digit, that digit itself is the Birth Number. For example, if you were born on the first day of any month, your birth number is 1, if you were born on the second day then your birth number is 2, and so on.

In the case of double-digit day numbers, we have to reduce the number to a single digit by adding the digits. For example, if you were born on the 15th, we have to add the digits 1 and 5. The total is 6, which is your birth number. Similarly, the birth number of a person born on the 16th is 7, as, 1+6 =7.

Each Birth Number has its own distinct characteristics in numerology. We can learn about a person’s positive and negative characteristics, potentials, way of thinking, tendencies, behavioral traits, way of expression, and action by knowing his or her Birth Number.

Attitude Number

The Attitude Number is the sum of the digits in your birthday and birth month, i.e. DDMM. For example, a person born on November 25th has an attitude number 9, as 25.11 =2+5+1+1=9.

This number represents your attitude toward yourself and others. Furthermore, it reveals a lot about your inner abilities.

Although most numerologists do not consider the Attitude Number to be a core number, it is one of the most important numbers in the numerology chart.

I have found that we cannot get a true picture of a person unless we consider the attitude number as a core number.

Life Path Number

A person’s life path number is the most significant of all the core numbers. A person’s life path number is calculated by adding up all the digits in their full birthdate and then reducing that total into a single digit.

Assume, for instance, that you were born on December 15, 1984. Adding up all the numbers in the date now gives us a total of 31. (15.12.1984= 1+5+1+2+1+9+8+4 = 31). Now, to reduce this number to a single digit, add the digits. So 3+1 = 4, that is your life path number.

However, the method of calculating the life path given above is a simple one. I do not recommend this method to calculate a life path number. Instead, you should use an advanced method described in the article Numerology: How to Calculate Life Path Number?

We can predict how someone will live by knowing their Life Path Number. The Life Path Number indicates that the person is highly influenced by the qualities of that number. For example, a person with Life Path Number 1 is highly influenced by the qualities of Number 1, and this influence is far more than this number’s influence on a person having Birth Number 1.

Core Numbers Derived From Full Name

Expression Number
English alphabets are used to find out Core Numbers from name

While the three core numbers discussed above are derived from a person’s date of birth, the three other core numbers are derived from the person’s full name as it was registered at the time of birth or in school documents.

The Expression Number is one of three numbers derived from the name. This number is calculated by adding the numerical value of each letter in the full name and then reducing it to a single-digit number. Each letter’s numerical value is determined by its position in the English alphabet. It means A= 1, B=2, C = 3 ………. X= 24 = 6, Y= 25 = 7, Z=26 =8. This is the Pythagorean method of calculating name numbers, which is used by modern numerologists.

Here is an example of deriving an expression number from a full name:

Here the sum of the numerical values of all the letters in the full name is 61. Reduce it to a single-digit, 6+1=7. So the expression number is 7.

Some numerologists use the Chaldean method to calculate expression numbers, but I do not recommend it because it is unscientific, illogical, and confusing. I have explained this issue in my article Pythagorean V/s Chaldean Numerology: Which One is Better and Scientific Method? .

Heart’s Desire Number
Core Numbers: English Vowels are used to derive Heart’s Desire Number

The heart’s Desire Number, also known as the Soul Urge Number, is the single-digit value of all the vowels in your full name. This number represents your inner self, your desires, your passion, and your dreams.

You get Heart’s Desire Number by adding the numerical values of all the vowels in the name. For example:

Here the sum of the numerical values of all the vowels in the full name is 29. Reduce it to a single-digit, 2+9 =11* =1+1 = 2. So the Heart’s Desire Number is 2. (*11 is a Master number. Master numbers have some additional traits. We will discuss the Master Numbers in another article).

Personality Number

The personality number is derived from the consonants in a person’s full name. This number represents a person’s personality as perceived by others. This means that it depicts the outer you, or your public image, which may differ from the inner you.

You get the Personality Number by adding the numerical values of all the consonants in the name. For example:

Here the sum of the numerical values of all the consonants in the full name is 32. Reduce it to a single-digit, 3+2 = 5. So the Personality Number is 5.

I hope you’ve learned a lot about core numbers in numerology by now. Find out all of your core numbers. Knowing your core numbers will aid you in self-analysis.

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Author: Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.