Numerology Name Correction: Does It Really Work?

Name Correction

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

Numerology is all about numbers, which are derived from your birth date and name.

Name numerology is a major part of numerology. It has its own importance. Like your date of birth, your name is useful for numerological reading. Your name also has a specific numerical value. This value is calculated from the numerical values of the letters in your name.

Three of the six core numbers, which are the most important numbers in everyone’s numerology chart, are derived from the person’s date of birth, and three are derived from the person’s full name.

According to Chaldean numerology, if your birth number and expression number are compatible or harmonious with each other, you are in a very fortunate situation. However, if your birth number and expression number are incompatible, you may encounter difficulties in your life.

Similarly, if one of the numbers 1 to 9 is missing from your name, you will miss the energy and vibrations related to that number.

If a person’s birth number and expression number are incompatible, many numerologists recommend changing the spelling of the person’s name to make the expression number compatible and harmonious with the birth number. In general, they recommend changing the spelling by adding a letter. According to such numerologists, a new compatible expression number solves the person’s problems.

Numerology Name Correction

Theoretically, it sounds very logical and good, but there are many issues with such changes. Let us discuss them.

Numerology Name Correction is Not a Practical Thing

To begin with, changing the name or spelling is impractical.

Changing your name or spelling is not easy or practical these days. There is a legal process for a name change that requires an affidavit, declaration in the Government Gazetteer, and notification of the name change through newspaper advertisements.

Only after you have completed this process will your new name be accepted in a variety of places, such as bank accounts, passports, driving licenses, income tax returns, property documents, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, and so on.

(However, you cannot change your name on your existing birth certificate, educational documents, other certificates, etc.).

Your Original Name Vibrations Are Forever!

Even if you change the spelling of your name or even your entire name, remember that the name recorded at your birth or childhood has an impact on you for the rest of your life. You have listened to your name hundreds of thousands of times and have got its positive vibrations.

The vibrations of the original name cannot be removed; they will coexist with the vibrations and energy of the new name. To put it another way, new name vibrations are additional vibrations. Furthermore, reaping the benefits of new name vibrations will take time.

Just Adding a Letter in Your Name Does Not Work

Remember that simply adding a letter to your name will not work unless you enhance the traits of the new name number.

If you do not change your name spelling legally and at all the possible places, and just write your new name or spelling name in your notebook, that is of no use.

Beware of Corrupting Your Name

Generally, the ‘name correction numerologists’ suggest you to add a letter to your first name. Although this changes your name numbers, it also changes the pronunciation of your name. It is a dangerous thing as the wrong pronunciation of your name will surely worsen the problems you are facing.

The spelling change leading to the wrong pronunciation of your name is just like making fun of your name. In fact, it is not a name correction, but a name corruption!

Have gratitude for your name; it was kept by your parents and grandparents, and they have blessed it. So don’t destroy the blessings by corrupting your name.

Numerology Name Correction Does Not Work

Adding a letter to a name does not lead you to a better life.

Personally, I know people who added a letter to their name for so-called name correction, expecting a better life, but instead, they attracted more problems.

The better option is to make other changes within yourself rather than changing your name spelling. You should use your inherent potential.

Whatever numbers you have in your core numerology chart, indicate your great potential, qualities, and abilities.

Great People Do Not Corrupt Their Names!

Have a look at the names of great industrialists, businesspeople, billionaires, scientists, philosophers, entertainers, warriors, politicians, etc. Do you find anyone who has made a so-called name correction? It is an eye-opener. You do not need to make a so-called numerology name correction to become a successful person.

There are Many Other Remedies to Eliminate Your Problems

Numerology and related occult sciences have many other remedies that can help you solve your problems. These remedies are extremely practical and simple. So you do not need a so-called name correction as a remedy to solve your problems.

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Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.

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