Mahaveer Sanglikar
Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895
Life Path Number is the total of all the digits in a full date of birth, i.e. DDMMYYYY. Read more about life path numbers at Numerology: How to Calculate Life Path Number?
Life Path Number 6 is about wisdom, care, responsibility, family values, peace, and prosperity. A person having life path number 6 generally has most of these traits. These people are incredible and very successful in their lives. Their success is especially in Industry, Finance Art, and Education related fields. Their choices of careers may be different according to the combination of their date numbers.
Here is a list of famous people born under life path number 6.

Famous Life Path 6 People (From Left): Alber Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Warren Buffet, Jef Bezos
Galilio Galili (Astronomer): 15.02.1564
Albert Einstein (Theoretical Scientist, Famous for his theory of relativity, and Quantum mechanics): 14.03.1879
Thomas Alva Edison (Inventor, Businessman): 11.02.1847
Jeff Bezos (Founder and CEO of Amazon): 12.01.1964
Warren Buffet (Investor, Businessman): 30.08.1930

Famous Life Path 6 People (From Left): Jawaharlal Nehru, Ratan Tata, Uday Kotak, Salman Khan
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule (Indian Social reformer, Educationalist): 11.04.1827
Jawahar Lal Nehru (First Prime Minister of India): 14.11.1889
Uday Kotak (Indian Businessman): 15.03.1959
Ratan Tata (Indian Industrialist): 28.12.1937
Salman Khan (Bollywood Actor): 27.12.1965
Robert DeNiro (American Actor): 17.08.1943
Volodymyr Zelenskyy (President of Ukraine): 25.01.1978
Bruce Willis (Hollywood Actor): 19.03.1955
Michael Jackson (American Singer, Song Writer): August 29.08.1958
Britney Spears (American Singer, Song Writer): 02.12.1981
Balasaheb Thakrey (Indian Politician, Founder of Shivsena): 23.01.1926

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