Numbers Missing from Your Numerology Chart

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist, Graphologist
Phone Number 91 8149128895

What are missing numbers in numerology?

When you look at a person’s numerology chart, you will see 6 core numbers as well as other numbers such as year number, month number, first name number, and so on. These numbers are derived from the person’s full date of birth and full name.

Furthermore, the chart displays the numerical values of the letters in that person’s full name. When we consider all of these numbers, we will most likely see all of the numbers from 1 to 9 in the chart.

However, in some cases, one or two (and rarely more) numbers are missing from the numerology chart. These are known as Missing Numbers.

Missing numbers indicate that the individual lacks the traits and energy associated with that number. For example, if the number 6 is missing from a person’s chart, it indicates that the person lacks the traits and energy associated with the number 6.

Missing Numbers and Their Meanings:

Missing Number 1: Number one energy is associated with creativity, exploration, leadership qualities, self-reliance, confidence, ambition, determination, management abilities, and so on.

If number one is missing from your numerology chart, you most likely lack these qualities. You might be less interested in being in charge, being a boss, or taking the initiative. You could be lacking in management skills and lacking in confidence.

Exceptions: If number 1 is missing from your numerology chart but you have numbers 9 or 8 in your core numbers, you may have some of the qualities related to number 1.

Missing Number 2: Number 2 energy is associated with communication skills, diplomacy, salesmanship, assistance, romance, relationships, art, and so on.

If the number 2 is missing from your numerology chart, you most likely lack these qualities. You may have poor communication skills and a poor diplomatic approach. You do not want to help others and may prefer to avoid conflicts.

Exceptions: If number 2 is missing from your numerology chart but you have numbers 3 or 5 in the core numbers, you may have some of the qualities related to number 2.

Missing Number 3: Number 3 energy is related to creativity, expression, interaction, entertainment, performing arts, friendly and joyous nature, romance, etc.

If the number 3 is missing from your numerology chart, you are lacking these qualities. There may be a tendency to not express yourself.

Exceptions: If number 3 is missing from your numerology chart, but there is a number 2 or 5 in the core numbers, you may have some of the qualities related to number 3.

Missing Number 4: Number 4 energy is related to straightforwardness, logical thinking, planning, focus, consistency, hard work, etc.

If number 4 is missing from your numerology chart, most probably you are lacking these qualities, especially if there is number 3 in your core numbers. You may be less interested in hard work, focus, and consistency.

Missing Numbers and Their Meanings

Missing Number 5: Number 5 energy is related to freedom, curiosity, adventure, multi-talent, multidimensional life, etc.

If your numerology chart is missing this number, most probably you are lacking these qualities. You may be less interested in changes, you may have poor communication skills.

Exceptions: If the number 5 is missing from your numerology chart, but there is a number 2 or 3 in the core numbers, you may have some of the qualities related to the number 5.

Missing Number 6: Number 6 energy is related to wisdom, prosperity, caring nature, responsibility, family values, art, etc.

If your numerology chart is missing this number, most probably you are lacking these qualities. You may have less interest in family life, especially if your core numbers are 3, 5, or 7.

Missing Number 7: Number 7 energy is related to introverted nature, introspection, observation, analysis, secrecy, spirituality, etc.

If number 7 is missing from your numerology chart, most probably you are lacking these qualities. There may be a lack of deep understanding, and there may be a tendency for superficial conclusions.

But if there is a number 9 or 4 in your core numbers, you may have some of these qualities related to the number 3.

Missing Number 8: Number 8 energy is related to management and administration skills, money, wealth, power, etc.

If number 8 is missing from your numerology chart, you might have poor money management qualities.

Exceptions: If the number 8 is missing from your numerology chart, but there is a number 1 or 6 in the core numbers, you may have some of the qualities related to the number 8.

Missing Number 9: Number 9 energy is related to compassion, humanitarian causes, spirituality, art, etc. If the number 9 is missing from your numerology chart, most probably you are lacking these qualities.

Exceptions: If number 9 is missing from your numerology chart, but there is number 6 in your core numbers, you may have a compassionate, humanitarian, and artistic approach, and if there is 7 in your core numbers you may have spiritual qualities.

What if a number is missing from your numerology chart?

What to do if a number is missing from your numerology chart?

If a number is missing from a person’s numerology chart, some numerologists, especially Chaldeans suggest adding a specific letter in the first name of that person. This changes the name number, and the new name number is the number that was missing from the old name.

This remedy is known as ‘Name correction’. But in fact, this remedy becomes ‘name corruption’ as the pronunciation of the new spelling would be corrupted one. I have observed that those who corrupt their names do not get any benefits from such so-called name correction. Rather they attract negative energy and bad luck. So I never suggest anybody to corrupt his/her name.

There are many easy and practical solutions to your problems, so never corrupt your name in the name of name correction.

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Author: Numerologist Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader, Blogger, Author, Motivator and Mentor from India.